
"Whenever I'm planning an event with an important client or high net worth person, it's always such a hassle finding and being sure I have quality guards. With Clutch, it's super easy to schedule polite and professional protectors."
Event Planner in St. Paul, MN

"Clutch Guardian helps me and my employees stay focused. It's a small cost for us relative to the value provided. And if I have to let someone go, I can order a bodyguard to keep things cool.
I wish I knew about this sooner. We no longer have to worry about team members being worried about traveling alone or to certain events. So it saves us money and creates more independence. It's quick, easy, and kind of brilliant."
Entrepreneur in Chicago, IL

"If a team member has a personal security matter that's taking focus away from doing their best work, we cover some of their Guardian costs.
Some of our sales women, who would normally prefer to travel with others for safety, now know we're committed to helping them feel safe no matter where they represent us. It's a great service."
HR manager, Edina, MN